Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lenny Kravitz Love

Ever since I was a little girl I have ALWAYS had a thing for Lenny. Not so much a "thing" but more like saying he's the only black guy I'd even consider. I remember being little maybe about 5 or 6 and seeing Lenny for the first time, its weird I really do remember being in my living room and the "It Ain't Over 'Til it's Over" music video came on and I was hooked. I remember wanting to sit in front of the TV all day just to see it come on again. The electric guitar solo...I could listen to over and over for the rest of my life. I even asked my younger brother to learn it and he did :)

I blame him for my love of clean dreads on a man. My grandma even liked him because he would always wear turquoise jewelry, and she loves her turquoise jewelry.
He has a style all his own. Its kinda hippy kinda vintage but it looks effortless and all together hot.
& his music videos never disappoint, showing his bare ass in the "Again" video...having Heather Graham violently shake and rub her junk in "American Woman"

His videos were always sex infused, in a cool party environment that you wish you were at partying and dancing with them.
I can go on and on about the music and how I had every damn CD, but somehow through the years misplaced them. But I just wanted to speak on my love for him in a quick blog. I think seeing him in the movie Precious (which I will blog about later) made me happy to see him still in the game looking fine as ever.
&& I recently found out he is on twitter posting twit pics and being hip, as he should. So you go on Lenny, keep up the good work and I hope you are around for my kids to enjoy too.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Oh My!

I usually don't give a damn about models, but I came across some pictures a few years ago and saved them in my archives just cause I really liked the style the pictures were taken in and the model was not your typical model and looked familiar.
Her name is Omahyra Mota (oh-my-rah) and I remember first seeing her in Jay Z's music video for "change clothes" so when I saw these pics I was like 'Oh that's that one girl'. She had a small part in the music video but I remembered her cause she stood out among all the other models in the video, well besides psycho ass cracked out Naomi Campbell (but that is an entire new blog).
I like her cause she doesn't mind showing off her tits like it ain't no thang & that's always fun to look at and like I said before she has a different look. Kinda dykish but she shows her boobs so it evens out the feminine side. Get it?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


this always makes me smile.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Just wanted to throw it out there to acknowledge the day
and also to pay respect to my Uncle Armando that died from AIDS at the age of 30.
He died on January 26th 1986 on my moms birthday :(
I was a baby when he died, like a baby baby 2 months old or so.

My mom told me that my dad disowned him for being gay and refused to let him see me. I was the first baby in the family so 'I was a BIG deal' :)
So when my dad was at work she had him over a few times to hang out with me. My mom really had a cool bond with him and she loved him like her own brother.

The last time he came over my dad came home and found him holding me and my dad snatched me from him and immediately started bathing me because he said I was gonna get a gay virus.

In '85 they didn't really know all the stuff they know about now concerning AIDS.

So I guess my dad was just going off of the info the evil media was spewing out. My dad was also on a shit load of drugs so who knows what was going on in that drug infested brain, either way that's really fucked up to do to your brother. So a few months later he died and my dad hadn't talked to him since the incident.

I didn't really have a real point to this blog other than to share a story and pay some respect but I think if anything that story reminds me that family is family and to never turn your back on them because you never know what someone is going through.


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"i have to save this"

The show that can gross me out of any meal....
so these people all have something mentally wrong with them, no excuse cause i know plenty of psycho people that still live in a sanitary environment. at least i think they do, this story also shows you really don't know someone situation just by looking at them.

Some of these people have had dead animals in their rubble, one lady had 30-something cats in her home half of which were fucking dead and just a pile of bones and fur. that's just fucking disgusting.

I think these people should go through a evaluation before this shit takes place cause these nut case cat ladies and men have serious issues and need REAL HELP.
The lady above didn't throw any food away, rotten curdled and fungus was all fair game in her book. this shit almost made me throw up she was gross and would eat food that was expired and left to fester. GAG!
& this picture just scared the shit outta me.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Passion Pit :/

I feel funny admitting this but I really like this song
I listen to it mainly on youtube cause I like the music video too, although i do have it on my ipod
but I feel like a little emo girl when I do. But I don't care I think it's great and if I want to dance around and sing high pitched in my living room when no one is home I will.Photobucket

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Little Petite

"young bitch from the street guaranteed to stay down" I miss the wild Lil Kim. The bitch that didn't give a fuck, rapped some nasty shit talking sex and drugs, rocked some hooker clothes and didn't mind getting felt up by Diana Ross. Now a days she looks a hell of a lot different and is more like a white girl than the bitch from the hood. Don't get me wrong I know people change and I do like what shes done with her face, she looks good but I miss the rawness.

I thought for sure she would drop a raw ass album when she got out of jail, something hard and raw, dope beats maybe some collabs...but nope nothing. Come on Kim, give it to us like the old days PLEASE!? I guess for now we will have to deal with her ethnicity change and see what this all brings, but fuck if she's doing Dancing with the Stars who knows what the hell direction she'll be going in musically. Either way I love the bitch.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ms. Lepore

Just wanted to give everyone who snoops my blog something fun to look at..

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Andy understands me

This video actually reminds me of some people :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Im having so much fun I could just..twitter

So I guess its safe to say that Twitter is the new Internet phenomenon. Much like how MySpace was in 03-04, but that ship has sailed and now we've moved on to the exchange of short status messages between friends.

I just wanted to write about how funny i think twitter is, its basically a collection of thoughts. You think of something and you twitter it, it makes me think about how years from now when I'm old my kids might see all the dumb things i twittered, that's not gonna stop me from writing anything but I just think that's cool. If my mom had a twitter back in the day I would read it for sure!

Another funny thing about twitter I see from time to time is how a lot of people use twitter as a source of bragging, like anyone gives a shit. It's just hilarious to me how people will twitter that they are out doing this fun thing or that fun thing and yet its so fun they had the time to twitter about it. When I'm out having a good time, twitter is the last thing on my mind. Silly people.

Maybe Miley's rap was on to something...

Thursday, November 5, 2009


If your child can walk on their own, tell you they are hungry & chew whole food...
It is just bad parenting, really. If you don't have the balls to take your kids pacifier away from them by at most the age of 1 then how are you qualified to raise a child?
I get that hearing a kid cry is the worst sound in the world and its a quick fix to shut them up but damn grow some balls people. It looks tacky and your kid might even grow into buck teeth!

ben affleck's daughter

tisk gwen, i thought you were better than that.

beckham kid, no surprise there actually.

Kate hudson's kid...hmm trashy.

Johnny Depp once said something along the lines of
how people are asked to get fishing licenses and drivers licenses and we have all of these rules that we have to go by but anyone can have a baby whenever and however many they want with no proper training or lessons, why is that so lenient?

It made so much sense & I never forgot it.
Preach on Mr. Depp<3

how old is too old?

So i recently turned 24 & i went out and had fun Friday-Sunday
by Sunday night when i was at home with my boo & relaxing...
i realized that i really didn't need to go out and chase the party like I use to.
Not that being 24 is old cause it isn't, but I just feel like I'm over all the nightlife party scene
I mean I have my own place, I have a great man that I love being with and I've partied since I was 16. I don't think its out of the ordinary that I don't really feel the need to be out all the time, drinking and trying to be up on the next event.
On Sunday I saw a bunch of lame ass club rats all in their late 20's early 30's desperate to get in to this trendy club, it was kinda sad.
I have a theory that people that go out constantly and follow the trendy events are people that just aren't happy in general or still live with their parents so they go out all the time to get out of the house and that's fine and everything but there comes a time in your life where you should step back and look at the bigger picture.
If you are in your late 20's, maybe you have kids (cause lets face it, who doesn't have at least 1 kid by their mid 20's nowadays) and you are living in mom & dads house still chasing the night life and next big need to re-evaluate your priorities.


This isn't something i really care about so I'm not gonna write too much
but I just wanted to note that I'm not liking how Cameron Diaz is all of a sudden trying to be a serious actress, first it was the movie where she shaves her head bald for her daughter now its some movie about a box? really? Having to take Cameron Diaz serious in anything is a task in itself. I'm sure I'm not the only one that prefers her dancing in boy undies and acting a fool. that's where we like you Cameron not playing mom roles. It's aging you and you're becoming boring.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Milk Bath

I've always wanted to take a milk bath. I cant really explain why because I don't even drink milk! But it's appealing for some reason, kinda sexy and odd. As I was looking up pictures for this blog I noticed that most of the pictures that came up we mainly of women, well except the one of this homo guy with a seashell on his dick.
It made me wonder...What is sexy about a milk bath? I mean it's just milk.

A mud bath also sounds very nice ;)
That blog is next.