Friday, June 26, 2009

Never Can Say Goodbye..

My Beloved Michael...

Michael Jackson

The Greatest Entertainer the World Ever Saw

Honestly I don't even know what to write.

I'm still in shock about his sudden death.

My mom was the first to break the news to me
I was at the library and immediately rushed home to watch the tragedy unfold.
In disbelief I sobbed as if someone from my own family had passed.
My heart hurt.

Calls began to come in from my family members

:My grandma called me crying
asking me how I was doing.
:My cousin Jake from New Mexico called me
to tell me and once he heard me crying he knew.
:My aunt from Vegas called me telling me she was sad and sorry
cause she knew i would be a mess.
Not to mention all of the text messages & emails I received as well.
It was the greatest feeling seeing everyone support me
& nice to know everyone thinks of me when they hear about Michael.

I have been a true fan all my life.
A fan of his Music his Dance and overall Entertainment presence.
The way he made me fell, he didn't just make music or perform it
HE WAS MUSIC, he became it.
that passion and love that he had for what he was doing
came through to me as a child through my television
it sent like a bolt of lightning through me to see him dance and sing.
something that made me sing with him and move with him in my living room
:Michael Jackson for Halloween in '87
:Watching Moonwalker any chance got
:Dressing up like him with my homemade Glitter Glove
:Dancing around like him trying to do the moonwalk (still til this day)
:Performing Billy Jean in my High School Fashion Show
:Including his music in every Party I have ever had
:Making "The Lady in my Life" my future wedding song
Never in my life have I felt this way for a celebrity,
but see he wasn't just a celebrity like the others
all the others never came through as someone that love what they do as much as he did
and that's is what separates him from the rest
he let us all feel the greatness of what he did through his music
he is the greatest and i am just so sad that he is gone

No one can compare
No one has come close
He is Forever a Legend
& He will remain in my heart always.

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