Friday, July 24, 2009

The Area

Not a common subject but interesting enough.

My friend "chris" recently said that there are woman that have no areolas and just nipple.
Of course, I didnt believe him so we went to the source were all good truths are told...Google
and came across these puppies..

I don't know who these breast belong to, or why they don't have areolas
I'm guessing they had surgery for whatever reason and got some implants
with the left over insurance money :)

I'm not judging I'm just curious about what goes threw someones mind
when they look in the mirror and see no areola!!! Just a little nub looking thing?
I guess the first thought IS to get surgery...its actually called Areola RePigmentation. CRAZY!!

Now I don't know how you feel about Areolas
but to not have any at all is kinda scary.

I know all Areolas aren't the greatest looking
cause lets all be honest we've each seen some crazy suckers, right?
but damn to have none at all is just frightening.

On the other hand having some that look like "left over parts"
or ink on the skin around it isn't the ideal situation either.

I don't see a point to having boobs if there isn't at least a decent size nipple.
But what is considered a decent size nipple to a breast with no Areola??

I think everyone has their own personal likes and dislikes when it comes to the nipple & areola.
Its just so taboo, I even feel a little funny blogging about it.

But fuck it I'm sure theres a blogging society out there
with middle-age women gabbing about it. & IF NOT I AM A PIONEER, let there be more Areola Talk ( . v . )

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