Thursday, October 22, 2009


That word means so little nowadays, but in reality its the best thing you can get.

I was cleaning our downstairs area last night, which was formerly my grandpa's man cave back in the day and I was talking with my boo and our future roommate about how my grandpa would make stuff all the time, like random stuff...sets of golf clubs, he'd build computers, a buzzer that runs from upstairs to downstairs so my grandma and him could communicate thru codes (it sounds more hi-tech then it really is) he could fix anything & he is the reason I have free cable in all my rooms (without a black box) :)

It got me to thinking about how nothing is really HOME MADE any more,
personally I always am more interested in stuff when its homemade like when someone tells you about some bomb food or when someone has a homemade costume for Halloween...those are always the conversation starters.
I guess I just like to make things and find new creative outlets, being able to say 'I made that' is always nice too. I think more people should get themselves to do homemade things. It's always more fun.
Tomorrow will be 7 years that my grandpa has been gone and I miss him still. He was so smart and cool but in a way where he didn't even know it, always kept himself busy learning and keeping up with the world. Even a former boxer named Kid Leblanc. He was a fascinating man. He taught me a lot & always kept me on my toes. <3

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