Monday, August 31, 2009

Where the Boobs at?

So I know a lot of people follow THEBOOBS blog, as do I.
I find it entertaining, especially the boobs of the week. Being an owner of a nice pair of tits myself ;)
I was reading through the author's edition of the Boobs of the Week
& I noticed that the author's don't really show much of their own boobs. They have a few girls that really show their stuff, that's what its about right?
Especially since one of the questions on the survey is
"Can you put them on glass?" love it.
I'm not trying to start a blog rival cause I like what Des & Glossy are all about. I share the same love & appreciation for a nice set of jugs!
I just think if my blog was promoting boobs and the showing of boobs I'd lead by example :)
This is just my sorry attempt at getting a look at their goods - _ -
Come on you know you wanna see their boobs too!
Follow them at