Sunday, September 13, 2009

give it a rest

just heard some BS hyphy lil jon crap song on my drunk drive home
& its called SHOTS or im assuming its called SHOTS
cause thats all the damn song says
I have a proposal, someone needs to keep track of the drunk driving toll
and watch how it increases because of this.
it is seriously the worst song i have ever heard,
like we really needed yet another fucking song that relentlessly promotes drinking tequila or vodka.
I thought that trend was over, but no here comes PitBull (im assuming) trying to cash in on it.
Give it a REST people we all drink way too much as it is, hell I drove home drunk tonight...we don't need these hyphtastic artist yapping it into our brains anymore just to get a promo deal from Patron & money in the bank for speaking nonsense.

& for the record I HATE PITBULL! most unoriginal motherfucker & the reason i stay ignorant to radio music.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's LMFAO.