Thursday, September 3, 2009

Marriages Making it Work.

This blog is going to be the first of many, based on celeb marriages that I believe in.
There are a lot of failed marriages in general not just in the lime light, but I wanted to make note of the marriages that I actually think are working and dare I say it, might even last?

Coco & Ice-T:
I guess it's safe to say they have an amazing sex life, and that is always a main ingredient in a healthy relationship but what I think what holds this relationship together is honesty.
I think when Ice first decided he was gonna marry Coco, he sat her down and laid out some ground rules. Like, I'm the man in this relationship, I wear the pants and I make the rules.

You can show that ass, off get a little fame, make some money. But at the end of the day, Daddy gets what Daddy wants, and you've got to be willing to provide that at all times by any means necessary.Not a bad theory huh? I'm almost positive that's how it went down. Ice-T doesn't fuck around. Especially when it comes to his women. And more power too him, cause if you think about it, it's not a bad deal...they're living the life & its been working for almost 9 years now.

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