Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sisters With Voices

Not to sound like some one's grandma but back when I was growing up Music was so different and enjoyable, relatable and singable. Music now is obviously still singable but I don't know there was just a different vibe back then.

Take Salt N Pepa, they were dope. They were street enough for the hood people but decent enough or the white folk to get in on the funk. I mean come on who didn't say "You so crazy, I think I want to have your baby." Classic right? YES.

&& what bitch wasn't singing this song back in the day. I was in 4th grade singing this shit not know what the hell, but I liked it regardless.

& who could forget EnVogue. Not me. They really sang, I remember my mom was all into them :) The song below was one of my favorite EV songs.

Michael in the back, pssssh doesn't get no better.

A prime example of how music was a few years ago is the video below.
Salt N Pepa teamed up with EnVouge at the peak of their careers to colab on a song. That's just cool & rare, & it was worth it cause that was a great song.

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