Thursday, September 24, 2009


people i cant stress this issue enough...

For real, I dont think people our age realize how mportnant it is to take care of your skin
but YOUR WEARING IT. just like you worry about how you look in a certain outfit
your skin is no different and in fact more important than anything you could ever wear.

I'm always the one with the SPF 50 telling people "did you put on sunscreen" "want some sunscreen" Always go with the higher SPF cause the 15 or 20 is a joke.
I dont know if I am the only one who notices but most old people have bad skin.
not to talk shit but they do. sunspots, discoloration etc. & I dont want to end up like that.
Not to mention the scarriest oneof all.... LEATHER SKIN! This is usually seen on white women in the chest area normally cause from too many
tanning bed sessions or just too much direct sunlight exposure.
I see it all the time & it is DISGUSTING! Usually not this bad but you get the point.

but it is kind of humorous cause these women are oblivious to it and still show off their tits like its no big thing. maybe it isn't? but to me it is.

So take my advice & Baz Luhrmanns advice & WEAR SUNSCREEN! & p.s. this is a great song so pay attention.

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